Monday, April 12, 2021

Challenges on the porch...

 What kind of challenges are you facing these days?

Well, I am entering my 70th decade so...challenge. I am in good health. I do get tired so much earlier than I have in past years. My energy wanes more quickly. My eyesight is weaker. I think more about falling while biking or walking. (I fell on my bike last summer into a large mud puddle. No pain, very smooshy  mud. My adorable biker clothes were soaked with mud. My biker shoes.) Nice people tried to help me up but were laughing so much it was hard. I care less about a clean house or what people think. Is that a challenge? Seriously the challenge that is most hard to face is losing friends and family as I age. People I have loved my entire life are gone. 

Random pic choices.

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