Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Another day on the road...

 Marion, Illinois to Atlanta, Texas today. Long ride but so worth it. My daughter, her husband and two of their teens. They have grown up so much in the time since we’ve seen them. Kendall talked about the poetry she loves and quotes. Atticus. Books she is reading. To Kill a Mockingbird and Turtles All the Way Down. Track she will run tomorrow at a meet. She runs the mile. Today she ran two miles then soaked in an ice bath. Clay talked about books he is reading. Game of Thrones and the television series. Very enthusiastically. I read one book in the series and watched one show years ago. Too violent for me. He can’t believe I didn’t love it. 

When you look at the world, what is most fascinating to you? 

My answer might be a little off subject. I am most fascinated by the youth I talk to. They are so bright and committed to learning. Exploring life and what is ahead for them. Books, music, poetry, science. I feel like I am sharing their excitement. Experiencing the enthusiasm of youth all over again.

Irises at a rest stop in Arkansas. They were huge and beautiful. 

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