Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thinking on the porch...

Back to those twenty questions. I have turned sixty and am still here after all. Question # 13. Am I the only one struggling not to {cry } during {  doctor's appt. } {pass gas} during {yoga}? Ah, no.  Every one dreads committing some sort of social blunder. Substitute your greatest shame-fear then know you are not alone...feel liberated. The doctor I see is probably thirty-five I am so anxious about my inevitable tears...just ask me nicely "How are you feeling?" Bwaaa! How can she possibly know what menopause is like??? No sleep, creaking joints, actual sweating thru...I could go on and on! She smiles and says "No worries, just the aging body." Bwaaaaaaa. I know this but I did not want to hear it from someone so young! I do not want to cry in her office. So I make my social blunder worse by trying to make an old lady joke...

The point, the answer to # 13 is that I am not alone. We have all made a social gaffe now and again. Accept that this is a part of being human...

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