Saturday, December 21, 2019

Book worm on the porch...

8. What was your very first baby book? The first book I remember reading was Robin Hood. I read it over and over. I was 4 or 5.
9. What is the first book you read on your own? Mrs. Mike. It was way too old for me. Around age 9.
10. How many total books have you read? In my lifetime? Or this year? 2019 I read 81 books. Most years I read between 60-80 books. I have reviewed 880 books on Goodreads.
11. Longest gap between books? I have gone a day or two between books but I need to read. Reading is my crutch.
12. Favorite genres? Literary fiction. Historical fiction or non fiction. Because of  book challenges I have been reading memoirs and have fallen in love. No self help. No true crime unless I have to. Don’t love humor.
13. What books make you happy? Any book well written. I especially like to read a book where the characters have a true human connection. Geraldine and Basil Couts for example.
14. What books have made you uncomfortable? Why? True crime. Violence. Horror. I don’t want to know how inhuman we humans can be.
15. Can you read anywhere? Moving vehicle, roller coaster? Yes. The back seat of a car. In the middle of an airport.

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