Monday, June 6, 2011

I must set up the tea service on the porch...

K (4year old grand girl) is on her way to visit Granny from Texas. I always have a tea service set up on a wicker table on the old front porch. Candles lit, cloth napkins, crumpets...she will say, "I would like a spot of tea, please." Her entourage includes my middle daughter, her Mom, her Dad and her 9 & 7 years old brothers.

Question # 15. Where could I work less and achieve more?  Martha Beck says that to spend more time practicing your passion, minimize everything else. Get creative to find more time in your life and more life in your time.
I know that if I could get myself organized, make better use of my time, chuck some junk, drop something every day, I could minimize the time I spend taking care of my home, self, family. I take so much time doing the basics that I don't give myself enough time to photog, read, bike, explore, create my art. I start, stop, become distracted by anything that sparkles and never really get things done. It does not help that I was born messy. My girls all left for college and my hubby noticed the house was still a mess, "All this time, it was you!" he said. So I think I need to simplify my stuff so I can create!

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