Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Seventy Three and me…

 April 29, 2024

I did it. I made it to 73 without him. Rode for about twelve hours to Ann Arbor and Clarkston. Cammy and I ate at Buck Shots.  Next Escanaba with my sister and her daughter. They took me to Rochester Brunch for Avocado toast and a Bellini. I contributed pastries. Many Happy Returns. Facebook and friends. Phone calls from the grands. Family greetings. 

I must repeat aging is not for the faint of heart. I am ready to be home with my list of projects. A puzzle and a good book. I hope the sunny weather has not spoiled me. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Prom night…

 April 27, 2024

Two days unti my seventy third birthday. Saying my goodbyes to Florida family. Aging is not for sissies

Haven’s Junior/Senior Prom. Pro makeup and nails. Corset dress. Silver glitter. Bouquet! 

Birthday Eve…

 April 28, 2024

‘‘Twas the night before birthday…Tomorrow I will be 73. Aging has been a trip. My road has been smooth at times and lately very rough. Losing my driver, literally, has made the last year so difficult. I am not good at grieving. I miss my beloved husband. I found this on Instagram. I found it a comfort. I hope my grief will make me brave. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Packing up the camper…

 April 26,2024  

Look closely. I have seen a monarch butterfly every day. 

Three days til seventy three. I look at my face in the mirror and I wonder how I got here. My skin is lined. I look older than my mother ever did. I am a widow. Alone. I need to move forward. Make decisions about my house. Should I paint or side. Garage doors. Isabella. The camper. What do I want to do for me? 

10.  What are your top five sayings that encapsulate the accrued wisdom of your life experience?

1. What is it you plan to do with your wild and precious life? —Mary Oliver

2. If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever. —a.a.milne

3. Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.—Dylan Thomas

4. A book is a dream you hold in your hands.—Neil Gaimen

5. The only things that matter are the little moments that make up a life. —Neil Gaimen


Thursday, April 25, 2024

On Your Feet…

 April 25, 2024

Cammy and I had dinner at Citrus tonight. U6 Prawns with Lemon Angel Hair Pasta. Delicious. Sat outside with a view of the ocean. Warm and breezy. Then we saw the musical Get on Your Feet. Gloria and Emilio Estefan. Lovely night.

Four days til seventy three. Oh, my. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Seventy three is breathing down my neck…

 April 24,2024

Five days til seventy three. Oh, my. Packing to head back to Michigan. A lunch, a musical and Junior Prom still on my list of things to do. Bella survived boarding at a kennel. They said she was a real sweetheart. The people were lovely. Huge talking bird. I will miss being here in this gorgeous weather with my girls. Floating in the pool. Coffee outside. I love my teens. 

3b. What is the last time  you put something off that you really would like to do yourself? 

Always. I do so much for other people I put off anything I want to do for me. Sometimes I think I use this as an excuse not to chance failure. Remember, I just spent two years as my husband’s sole caregiver. There are no resources to give a caregiver support. American Cancer society, Pan Can, Hospice, etc have pamphlets, online info but no actual help with care. My goal once I get home is to do something I want to do just for me. Take a class. Paint a canvas. Listen to me. 

My daughters and families have shown me loving hospitality. I have been with them for 5 months. I am so grateful. I have turned a corner in this grieving process. I feel ready to move forward. 

                                Pictures of my winter!  

Monday, April 22, 2024

Back in Florida…

 April 22,2024

Flew back to Florida today. Watched 2009 Sherlock Holmes movie on the plane. It made my trip go by in a minute. Seven days til seventy-three.


I will pick up Bella tomorrow. I miss her so much. She looked so sad when I left her at the kennel. I hope she is ok. 

I need to pick a new book for my Pop Sugar challenge. I finished The Many Lives of Mama Love. Very good. I want my next read to be just as good.

3. What makes you happy? 

My family is my happiness. Listening to my teen grand kids talk about school and music and their dreams makes me happy. Reading a really good book. Working on a jigsaw puzzle. Simple things, I guess.